You're Almost There!


Hello, I’m Jonathan Otto.

Congratulations on taking the first step towards achieving optimal health and well-being! By claiming your Cancer Secrets Package, you are gaining access to life-changing information that can help you and your family safeguard your health.

This package offers an abundance of knowledge and insights on holistic healing and restoration, but embarking on a recovery journey alone can be overwhelming. With misinformation spreading rapidly, it can be challenging to distinguish truth from falsehoods, especially without a deep understanding of the scientific aspects involved.

Thankfully, the Cancer Secrets Package provides exclusive access to recovery protocols that are known to less than 1% of the population. These protocols have been carefully crafted by world-renowned health experts and extensively researched to ensure their effectiveness.
As the founder and CEO of Health Secret and Well Of Life, my own supplement brand, I am committed to helping individuals discover genuine remedies for prevalent and life-threatening diseases. 

Through my journey as an investigative medical journalist, filmmaker, and humanitarian, I have uncovered the most effective methods to reverse even the most debilitating conditions. 

I have shared these real solutions with the world, offering protection against current and future bioweapons while facilitating complete restoration of health—the right way.

My aim is to empower you with knowledge on how to safeguard yourself and your loved ones. Living in fear is unnecessary, and I am here to guide you every step of the way towards becoming the healthiest version of yourself. Don’t wait any longer to take control of your health!

So what comes next?

Are you ready to take your healing journey to the next level?

The Cancer Secrets Package offers exclusive access to natural, safe, and powerful recovery protocols that have been proven to work.

As an investigative journalist, I have devoted countless hours to interviewing renowned natural medicine doctors and health experts who generously share their lesser-known health secrets with the goal of benefiting the world.

However, global governments and Big Pharma are not eager for you to gain access to this information. They stand to lose financially if you discover that complete healing is possible without relying on their expensive medications.

Under the guidance of our experts, thousands of individuals have achieved full recovery from COVID-related symptoms, long-COVID, vaccine injuries, and chronic diseases that conventional medicine struggles to address.

These protocols approach healing holistically, treating the body as a unified entity and targeting the root cause of the disease.

Patients under their care never have to worry about expensive drugs with hazardous side effects.

By addressing the root cause, these experts believe that healing can occur in the most efficient, effortless, and positive manner possible.

The Cancer Secrets Package offers you the same level of care and benefit that thousands of people have received—all from the comfort of your own home.

What is the first, you may be thinking?

The first and most important health choice is going to be
right here, right now, on this very page.

You may be curious about what sets this apart from other health solutions?

Unlike other approaches, the Cancer Secrets Series takes a direct and holistic approach to address the underlying issues that have long-lasting and detrimental effects on a significant number of individuals.

My primary focus is to equip you with the tools needed to foster holistic health that will positively impact your well-being for many years to come.

We believe in nurturing not only your physical health but also your emotional and mental well-being, especially during these challenging times where depression, anxiety, and stress have become prevalent.

Our goal is to help you achieve a harmonious balance between your mind and body, enabling you to emerge stronger as a whole.

The protocols and episodes included in the Cancer Secrets Package are groundbreaking and have already assisted thousands of individuals who sought help from our esteemed experts.

However, we also recognize that a complete transformation for your health requires more than just a one-off protocol…

That’s why we offer exclusive access to recovery protocols that have been carefully crafted by world-renowned health experts and extensively researched to ensure their effectiveness.

We are committed to empowering you with the knowledge and tools needed to take control of your health.
This is a limited offer, and you will not be able to get this again once you leave this page. Here’s why it’s so important to take advantage of this special offer:

What if you never get to finish all the episodes, so you never get the protocols that our experts recommended?

Or, even worse, what if people get to see the docuseries and get inspired by it, but do nothing with the information?

Because that’s exactly what some of our clients experience.

They purchased our docuseries packages and planned to watch all the episodes, but soon enough, life happens and other priorities take place.

They say that…

“I didn’t have time to watch all the episodes”


“I don’t know where to start healing”
Or… Worst of all: “I’ll start my recovery LATER”… and they never start.

And all the goals they had for their health never came true. 

And unfortunately, that tends to happen with a lot of our clients.

They have all the information, but they stop midway because life gets in the way.

So this time, I want to make things different, and much easier for you.

What do I mean by that?

Well, I’m not going to give you access to the Cancer Secrets Silver and Gold packages ONLY. I’ve decided to give you the opportunity to upgrade your supplement package.
You now have the opportunity to order an additional 90-day supply of the Cancer Secrets supplement package or a 270-day supply at a very special discounted price.

If you choose the Silver Package… you’ll have this jumpstart protocol for 90 days.

And if you choose the Gold, you’ll have 270 days of extra supply to help your body.

We KNOW these protocols have helped people get incredible results that were impossible to achieve by going through the traditional route of mainstream medicine.

So I think this could be a complete game-changer for you.
With the Cancer Secrets Supplement Upgrade, you can start your recovery journey as soon as the supplements arrive at your door.

And… You can do this while you take your time to go through the incredible life-saving information you’ve just gotten access to.

You can simply use the natural protocol recommended by our experts, watch the episodes at your own pace, and help your body and brain automatically recover from damage…

While you eat, sleep, do errands, or play with your dog.

You won’t be second-guessing yourself on how to start.

You’ll have all the right tools on your kitchen counter, so you can instantly go into “recovery mode”.

Because the truth is…
However, talking to my clients helped me realize that…

Taking notes from all episodes is NOT easy…

Figuring out how to start on your own is NOT easy…

Even purchasing all these supplements separately is NOT easy.

Plus… Getting these healing ingredients yourself is much more expensive; and may not even be of good quality…

That’s because there are tons of supplements out there that do NOT meet the correct standard… contain contaminants… and likely cause more harm than good.

So we made sure we added every single vitamin, mineral, antioxidant, detox agent, and plant medicine you need to start healing holistically.

This supplement protocol was created with the help of our experts and research team to support you on your road to better energy, health, and emotional well-being.



Introducing Serrapeptase, our carefully crafted formula with 40,000 SUs of the serrapeptase enzyme. This enzyme is widely known and recognized for its amazing anti-inflammatory properties and benefits for our respiratory and cardiovascular health.

Emerging studies from the National Library of Medicine are showing that this enzyme alone can put cancer in remission due to its remarkable ability to effectively reduce chronic inflammation in the body.

Serrapeptase is also recognized for its ability to dissolve biofilms, which is responsible for over 80% of bacterial infections, offering a powerful solution for infection prevention.

This product is encapsulated in easy-to-absorb vegetable capsules and is also 100% free from artificial additives, supporting your health without compromise.

Embrace the holistic path to relief and vitality with our Serrapeptase supplement, your natural choice for a healthier life.

ParaFree Detox

Presenting ParaFree Detox, our expert-engineered supplement designed to support the body in naturally eliminating unwanted parasites and other toxins in the body.

This unique blend includes a variety of powerful and natural ingredients, such as Black Walnut Hull Powder, Wormwood Aerial Parts Powder, and Goldenseal Root Extract – all of which have been traditionally used for their potent anti-parasitic properties.

The causal connection between cancer and parasites is not new. Studies published in PubMed show that parasites can induce inflammation, suppress the immune system, and can even produce toxins that directly damage the DNA.

This powerful blend of natural ingredients works together to loosen the grip of the parasites in your body and various organs and then help your body successfully excrete them.

Gut repair 360

Meet Gut Repair 360, our precision-crafted blend consisting of powerful plant superfoods, vitamins, and minerals in proportions designed to heal and promote gut health.

This 100% natural, doctor-formulated supplement is crafted with cutting-edge science that supplies our bodies with the tools that it needs to repair the gut and the gut lining.

Our gut is home to approximately 70% of our immune system. When this is compromised, diseases and even cancer are more likely to take hold. And several studies in the National Library of Medicine are showing this.

Gut Repair 360 contains Zinc and L-Glutamine, which are both nutrients that play a crucial role in lowering inflammation.

It also contains Organic Slippery Elm (leaf), Organic Marshmallow (root), and Organic Licorice (root), all of which contain soothing properties that lowers inflammation in the gut and offers digestive support.

Gut Flora

Gut health and Cancer have a direct connection. According to a study (1), disruption in the gut microbiome can lead to different types of cancer, mainly Colorectal Cancer [Colon].

It’s important to keep your gut healthy and flourishing. An ongoing study in Nebraska, clearly states the importance of a flourishing gut for cancer treatment with a natural prebiotic supplement to improve the gut microbiome.

The gut microbiome contains millions of microbes, including bacteria, fungi, and others. Together they help with digestion, metabolism, and even immune function.

Gut Flora is a potent blend of probiotics designed to restore and maintain a healthy gut balance. Our selection of probiotic strains ensures maximum effectiveness by providing billions of live cultures that can survive in the digestive system.

In addition to improving digestion and nutrient absorption, you will also experience improved immunity as well as less occasional digestive discomfort and bloating.


Meet Digestive Enzyme with Makzyme-Pro Blend – a revolutionary solution crafted with the expertise and insights of leading experts designed to supplement vital enzymes essential for optimizing nutrient absorption and nurturing our digestive and gut health.

This dietary supplement contains proteolytic enzymes such as Bromelain and Papain that have anti-inflammatory properties and can provide relief from IBS symptoms.

This proprietary blend also contains Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei which are probiotic bacteria that can promote gut microbiota balance and even enhance our body’s immune system.

Probiotic bacteria can also modulate the proliferation of cancer cells, significantly reducing the risk of cancer – National Library of Medicine.

Unlock the journey to wellness and vitality with our Digestive Enzyme with Makzyme-Pro Blend, the holistic remedy for rejuvenation and optimal health.


We are living in an environment where we consume toxins on a daily basis, knowingly or unknowingly. The canned and packeted food (1) we consume has chemicals in it and it is one of the reasons behind this ongoing cancer procession.

The BioCleanse & Restore Supplements has natural medicines like Psyllium Husks, Bentonite, Black Walnut Hull Powder, Oat Bran Powder, Flaxseed Powder, Prune Fruit Powder, Aloe Vera Leaf Powder, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Apple Pectin Powder and Glucomannan Powder that will help you REMOVE those toxins from your digestive system.

Studies (2, 3) have proved that Black Walnut consumption assists in a healthier digestive system removing toxins and parasites.

Natural medicines have proven to be the most effective when it comes to gut health. This supplement is all you need to start your journey towards a TOXIN-FREE and healthier lifestyle.

Black Seed Oil

Boost your well-being with Black Seed Oil Pure, in handy vegetable capsules. Derived from Nigella sativa, it’s loaded with essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Just one capsule daily strengthens your immune system, supports healthy inflammation, and enhances overall health. Black Seed Oil Pure stands out for its digestive health benefits, skin rejuvenation, and respiratory function enhancement. Explore the potent advantages of Nigella sativa with our natural supplement. Research (1) suggests its seed extracts possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties, promising relief.

Studies also show significant cytotoxic effects on tumor cells, potentially inhibiting growth. With a rich historical and medicinal background, N. sativa addresses ailments like asthma and fever. (2,3)

Incorporate this potent supplement into your daily routine for holistic benefits, promoting improved health and vitality.

Smart Mushroom
Complex with
Lion's Mane

Unlock the ancient wisdom of Lion’s Mane Complex, a premium blend designed to enhance cognitive function, boost immune support, and elevate vitality. Each capsule combines Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Maitake, Shiitake, and Reishi mushrooms for holistic wellness.

Discover the captivating potential of Lion’s Mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) as it offers promising benefits, including potential anticancer effects. Lion’s Mane sharpens mental clarity, Chaga fortifies immunity, Maitake supports blood sugar balance, Shiitake promotes heart health, and Reishi enhances stress resilience. This blend encapsulates nature’s power in a convenient daily capsule.

In groundbreaking studies, Lion’s Mane compounds showed promising anticancer effects, while Hericium erinaceus water extract demonstrated potential against breast cancer cells, offering hope for cancer therapy.(1,2)

Experience the transformative potential of Lion’s Mane Complex, merging ancient wisdom with modern science for optimized cognitive function, immune support, and vitality.


In a fast-paced world, maintaining energy and well-being is so important. Vitality Support is designed to enhance your overall health, providing a foundation for sustained energy and vitality. This advanced supplement is formulated to support various aspects of health, ensuring you feel your best every day.

Vitality Support is a blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and natural extracts known to promote energy levels, cognitive function, and physical health. It targets the body’s core systems, enhancing metabolic, cardiovascular, and immune health, offering a comprehensive approach to wellness.

Designed for daily use, Vitality Support fits seamlessly into your routine, offering a simple way to boost your health and energy.

With regular use, it helps mitigate the effects of stress and fatigue, enabling a more active and fulfilling life.


Embrace holistic wellness with our Ayurvedic Blend, with Ashwagandha, Licorice, and Amla.

Ashwagandha, a staple in Indian medicine, boosts energy and reduces stress, while Licorice, known in Greek and Egyptian traditions, offers digestive and respiratory support.

Amla, rich in Vitamin C, empowers immune health and cellular rejuvenation.

These herbs, celebrated for centuries, are validated by modern studies, including research from the NIH, emphasizing their health benefits.

Our formula, free from artificial additives, ensures pure, potent delivery in each vegetable capsule. The NIH recognizes Ayurveda’s cell-level healing, showing us its holistic approach and the efficacy of natural herbs.

With our Ayurvedic Blend, you’ll experience the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda, supported by scientific research, for a balanced and vibrant life.


In an age where heavy metals and toxic chemicals are everywhere in our environment, food, and everyday products, safeguarding your health becomes more important.

Chemical Cleanse is your ally in this fight, a meticulously crafted, all-natural formula designed to counteract the detrimental effects of these pervasive toxins.

Our formula includes a rich blend of ingredients that are known for their detoxifying properties. They work together to cleanse your system from toxins. Our advanced extraction process ensures that you get a potent and effective product.

This supplement is a lifestyle choice, offering a practical solution to combat the unavoidable pollutants of modern life. By integrating Chemical Cleanse into your routine, you embark on a proactive path to detoxification, paving the way for improved mental clarity, energy, and overall well-being.

Are you ready to take the next step and
experience incredible healing?

Upgrade your order now and get even more incredible results

Silver Supplement Upgrade

Regular price: $649

today only


+ FREE Shipping

$593 off

Gold Supplement Upgrade

Regular price: $1,974

today only


+ FREE Shipping

$1,625 off

This upgrade is only available for Cancer Secrets customers,
for a limited time.

Now, the question becomes…

What is the price tag you put on staying correctly informed and taking your power back?

Many people go through years of pain and grief, and spend thousands and thousands to get relief…

Only to go back to square one, over and over again.

Their doctors dismiss their concerns.

Their families turn against them.

They don’t know who to trust.

They don’t know how to start.

Some people get answers within months, sometimes within years, and sometimes…

Are stuck with their symptoms for the rest of their lives.

This is why we decided to give you everything you need and want to start your recovery without waiting on finding your way out.

With Cancer Secrets we did everything for you, so you won’t get confused, overwhelmed, or overspending on your healing protocol

We provided you with tools our experts recommend for dealing with long-covid symptoms, covid infection, vaxx injuries, and chronic disease.

You can use these tools for you and for your loved ones, at a fraction of the price.

So while we could easily charge thousands of dollars for all the breakthrough discoveries and the full Cancer Secrets protocol…

We decided to offer this upgrade starting at just $199 for the next 100 people who take action in the next few days.

The Cancer Secrets Money-Back Guarantee

You can test the Cancer Secrets Supplement Protocol for 60 days.

If you don’t like the results you’ll get, if you don’t feel like following the protocol…

Or if you’re not happy for any reason at all…

You can at any point email us, and get every penny back, no questions asked.

So here’s what you need to do next:

Upgrade your order now and get even more incredible results

Silver Supplement Upgrade

Regular price: $649

today only


+ FREE Shipping

$593 off

Gold Supplement Upgrade

Regular price: $1,974

today only


+ FREE Shipping

$1,625 off

Disclaimer: Please note: The information presented on this website is solely for informational purposes. This information should not be seen as a replacement for advice provided by your physician, healthcare professional, or any details found on product labels or packaging. It is important not to rely on the information from this website for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription of medication, or any other form of medical care. Always consult with your physician or healthcare professional before taking any medication, nutritional supplement, herbal remedy, homeopathic treatment, or pursuing any health-related procedure. If you have a medical condition or suspect you might have one, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it based on information you have read on this website. The information provided on this website and any products or services purchased from it do not establish a doctor-patient relationship between you and any affiliated physicians. Statements about dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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